The Parish of Tostock lies 7 miles east of Bury St Edmunds and 6 miles west of Stowmarket. The majority of the households lie within the village which is situated half a mile from the A14. There are approximately 200 houses and 400 residents. It has irrregular boundaries with Drinkstone, Beyton, Woolpit, Elmswell, Norton and Thurston.
The village consists mainly of agricultural land and individual dwellings. Most people live in the village itself. There is The Gardners Arms pub, the Anglican Church of St. Andrews and a Village Hall.
The centre of the village is The Green, which is situated within the conservation area. There are three main approaches to the village: Norton Road which passes the village hall, Leys Road which is bordered by The Leys, an area of open grassland, and Church Road which connects with Woolpit.
The village is served by Woolpit Health Centre , there is a bus service to Stowmarket and Bury St Edmunds. There is an active village hall and regular church events. The village holds an an Annual Art Show which is well attended by both artists and the public. There are many historic houses within the village, several surrounding the Green.